InkluNET - New Dimensions for Inclusive Education
Networking across Berlin and Bratislava
Building a bridge within Erasmus+
Between November 2021 and December 2022 was a partner in a bilateral EU-Small Scale Partnership with the Centre for Inclusive Education (Inklucentrum) in Bratislava from Slovakia .
Together with the Slovak partner, we exchanged examples of good practice in the field of inclusive teaching within the framework of the Erasmus+ project InkluNet. We organised several workshops for teachers, made short videos in Berlin and Bratislava and published handouts. We focused on mixed-grade learning, learning through the art, storytelling and multimedia in the classroom, non-violent communication and others.

Study visits and making videos in two inclusive schools in Berlin
Inklucentrum researches mixed-age learning
The participants from Slovakia went home fulfilled and with a clear mission: in the future, they would like to build an inclusive school in Bratislava and gradually introduce mixed-grade learning there.
We are very grateful that the teachers and school administrators in both schools in Berlin took time for discussions and allowed their Slovakian colleagues to observe them in their classrooms. We had a special meeting with the former headmaster of Picasso Primary School, Michael Verworn. After the fall of communism in 1990, he already had the vision of a school for all and built it up with a lot of commitment.
Thanks to all who make this valuable exchange possible!
During the visit, the Slovakian partner made video recordings in class at the Picasso Primary School and spoke with the headmaster of the Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum.The video recordings were used to create short films during the project.

Mixed-age Learning
- For the children and young people, the focus is on collaboration, cohesion, knowledge transfer among themselves, self-organisation, responsibility and solidarity.
- For the teachers, more resources are tied up in lesson preparation, but in return, the lessons themselves are a time designed together with the learners, with a lot of freedom and conscious handling of the learning process by the individual learners.
Download the brochure free of charge: (link will follow shortly).
The project has produced videos on the topics of mixed-age learning, social inclusion through storytelling, learning through the art, social inclusion through memory theatre, the morning circle method and others. All videos are available on the YouTube channel of the Inclucentrum.

Me and Your Stories - Webinars on Social Inclusion through Storytelling
27. April 2022, 5.Mai 2022 und 29.November 2022
It was a great experience to meet up with 25 Slovak teachers in three webinars around telling personal stories and why it is important to give space to telling personal stories for children and young people in school communities.
But also about why social inclusion is directly related to knowing and understanding each other.
Although we were only connected virtually, we were able to create a wonderful atmosphere of working together. The lectorer Stana Schenck, who works at the partner organisation Inclution - inclusive solutions in Berlin, presented the philosophy of the European project "Me and Your Stories".

MYS-Toolbox is a freely accessible web-based collection of exercises and tools for teaching.
Stana Schneck introduced the participants to the Tell-Listen-Retell-Understand method. Everyone immediately tried out the method with the activities "Who am I" and "3 Things".
Although Zoom meetings can be impersonal, this was definitely not the case!
We were able to make contacts, also thanks to the division into small working groups. In a short time, we managed to talk a bit about ourselves and learn interesting things about colleagues working all over the country.
Working with the digital tools padlet, answergarden and kahoot was fun and gave us the space to participate.

The teachers met for the second part of the event on 5 May 2022. On 29 November 22, the webinar was then held in English and opened to European participants. Teachers from Slovakia, Germany, Romania and the UK met in the virtual space. The work was interactive and collaborative pinboards with short personal stories were created.
A brochure in Slovak, English and German was produced in partnership with Inklucentrum on the "Me and Your Stories" approach.
Sociale Inclusion through commemorating history
In the interview and through a webinar, we were able to bring in the topic of learning from history for a better today into the partnership. Stana Schenck offered a webinar for Slovak teachers on this topic. On the left, she gives an interview for Inklucentrum in German about the nationwide theatre competition andersartig gedenken on stage, which she initiated together with Stefan Schenck in 2015 and is currently already coordinating the third year. The video can be played with German, Slovak and English subtitles. Above right, she created a presentation of the topic of Nazi "euthanasia" crimes in Slovak for the webinar, free to download. As a native Slovak, she conducted the webinar in Slovak.
The project New Dimensions for inclusive Education and Network (InkluNET) was coordinated by the Slovak Centrum Inkluzivneho Vzdelavania (Inklucentrum) in Bratislava. It took place between November 2021 and December 2022. There were 8 educational videos in Slovak and 4 videos in German. All videos are available with subtitles in DE/SK and ENG. Two pedagogical brochures (Inter-year Learning and Storytelling) were redesigned and published, 7 other brochures of the Inlucentrum were translated from Slovak into English and German. Two study tours took place in Berlin and Bratislava. 10 webinars (9 in Slovak and 1 in English) were held.
All Brochures are free to download.
All the video can be seen on the YouTube-Kanal of Inklucentrum .
Inklucentrum - The Centre for Inclusive Education is based in Bratislava, Slovakia. Inklucentrum is a national level expert organisation dedicated to promoting inclusive education and quality education in the school environment to develop the potential of all children, families and school staff.
As part of the IncluNET project, we provide a series of handouts and videos on inclusive approaches, methods and examples of good practice, such as 'The Morning Circle Method', 'Learning through the Arts', 'Inter-grade Learning', 'Nonviolent Communication' and more. The materials can be found in the Slovak, German and English editions here: