It is a Match - Logo


2023-2024 Erasmus+ Small Scale Partnership with Turkey. inclution as a lead partner cooperates with Municipalities Sisli and Tepebasi to share experience in inclusive vocational education and training for Learners with SEN (Special Educational Needs).


Logo VINE Projekt

We for Diversity

Wirfü  is a diversity platform displaying diversity projects of the civic society for schools in Germany. We focus on all diversity topics as are religion, gender, sexuality, antiracism, disability, age, etnicity, migration and social background.

Logo Wir für Vielfalt


We build a network of families and stakeholders to foster inclusive transit from school into work for people with disabilities. Counselling and empowerment for people with disabilities and their families. We invite role models with intellectual disabilities to share their stories.

Logo stattWERKstatt




In 2022 cooperates with Inklucentrum - Centre for Inclusive Education from Slovakia. In the frame of the EU Small-Scale Partnership we share good practice, produce handouts and explaine videos on inclusive educational approaches.


Logo InkluNet



Me & Your Stories

2019-2022 Erasmus+ project, a follow up of SOIL, to strengthen social inclusion in school communities through multimedia story(re)telling. Developing the MYS Toolbox, a collection of group exercises and multimedia tools for the classroom on topics as identity, culture, role models, needs and more...


Logo Me and Your Stories


2017-2018 Social Inclusion of Learners (SOIL) was an Erasmus+ project to promote social inclusion in mainstream education, with a focus on disadvantaged learners and inclusive teaching practices. Collaboration with Schule im Aufbruch, atempo and RIX Research and Media.

Abgelaufene Projekte