It is a Match!
Pathways to Inclusive Vocational Education and Training
Erasmus+ Partnership 2024-2027 on inclusive school-to-work transitions.
We cooperate with good practice projects from Bratislava, Marseille, Budapest and Malta.
Together we will create eBooks on our best practices, a roadmap for inclusive VET transition and a multimedia storytelling training curriculum for inclusive VET. We will include trainees with intelectual disabilities in our partner meetings.
Insufficient inclusive structures in VET hinder disabled trainees' access to vocational education. The partnership “It is a Match!” promotes inclusion through extracurricular VET for youth with intellectual disabilities. Goals include addressing discriminatory school-to-VET transitions, showcasing successful practices, empowering role models, providing VET- companies with a best practice roadmap, implementing a multimedia storytelling curriculum and creating a supportive stakeholder network.
WP1 - Project Management - Organizing visits, project coordination, financial management, risk management, partner meetings (monthly) public relations and dissemination of results, evaluation.
WP2 - This is how we do it! Exchange of best practices on vocational training of people with intellectual disabilities in inclusive working environments through
6 Visits
eHandbooks on our best practices
WP3 - Learn from me! Storytelling Workshops for Educators,
Multimedia Storytelling Curriculum (+Workshops for educators)
5 days local multimedia Storytelling trainings with learners
Producing self-presentation videos
WP4 - It is a Match!
Survey with VET-employers (10/partner)
Interviews with trainees 5/partner), peer approach
Survey with parents (10/ partner)
Guidelines on Inclusive Pathways to Vocation Education and Training”
Local Multiplier Events